Hi everyone, I’m Will Fuller one of the co creators of envision self-healing. This video is a very brief introduction to me and my vision condition. I have a hereditary condition known as Retinitis Pigmentosa. I was diagnosed from a young age and told nothing can be done. For the last 5 years I have been working with natural vision improvement exercises with the guidance of Dr. Meir Schneider and showing some very positive results. I moved to San Francisco to work with Meir full time and learn how to treat and help others. The purpose of these blogs are to share my journey of self-healing with others and show how you can improve your own vision!
A Brief Introduction

After plenty of hard work and persistence Will no longer wears glasses and has experienced clear, increased improvements in his eyesight. Will's ambition is to give others the same chance he had in improving not only his vision, but also body and mind. View all posts by Will