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Elevation is part of the basic injury treatment of the R.I.C.E principle, which is: Rest Ice Compression Elevation By elevating a swollen area it allows the fluid to drain away….

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Light Exercise

Depending on the severity and type of your condition you will want to choose certain activities that will help keep you active and moving. Its suggested that we should perform…

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Hip Rotations

Moving the hip in this way will improve circulation and promote regulation of synovial fluid, which helps lubricate and nourish the hip joint. These exercises will also strengthen and relax…

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Glute Strengthening Exercise

The Glutes consist of three muscles: Gluteus Maximus, Medius and Minimus. The Minimus and Medius are located at the top of the buttock and connect the top of the pelvis…

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It should be obvious to everyone that breathing is an essential tool in self healing. Without sufficient oxygen none of our physiological systems can work to their optimum. Exercise is…

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Elbow Rotations

Throughout the day we need to encourage as much range of movement as possible within the body. Elbow rotations promote a different kind of movement in the arm and dynamically…

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Head Rotations

Moving the head in this way will promote circulation and regulation of the synovial fluid, which helps lubricate and nourish the joints in the cervical spine. This exercise will also…

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Knee Extensions

Continuously bending and straightening the knee within its comfort zone will promote circulation and regulation of the synovial fluid, which helps lubricate and nourish the joint. This exercise will also…

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Knee Rotations

Throughout the day we need to encourage as much range of movement as possible within the body. Knee rotations promote a different kind of movement in the leg and dynamically…

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